Building an NFT subgraph to index off-chain data using File Data Sources

A Practical Approach to Subgraph Development with File Data Sources for Seamless Off-Chain Data Indexing

Building an NFT subgraph to index off-chain data using File Data Sources

gm gm everyone!

Today we will be learning how to implement File Data Sources into your project and get IPFS metadata into your subgraph.

File Data Sources

First, let us look at what precisely File Data Sources are.

The Graph Network has introduced an exciting new feature for subgraphs - File Data Sources. This functionality allows developers to access off-chain data during the indexing process in a robust and extendable way. File Data Sources support fetching files from IPFS and Arweave, opening up possibilities for deterministic indexing of off-chain data and even the potential introduction of arbitrary HTTP-sourced data.

We'll dive into what File Data Sources are, their benefits, and how you can implement them into your projects to get IPFS metadata into your subgraph. While the example focuses on an NFT use case, the principles apply broadly to various applications.


File Data Sources work by introducing templates that can be spawned as new data sources for specific file identifiers. These data sources are responsible for fetching files and running dedicated handlers when the file is found.

Key Steps and Upgrades

Before diving into File Data Sources, there are some key steps and upgrades to be aware of:

  1. Upgrade graph-ts and graph-cli: To use File Data Sources, you need graph-ts >= 0.29.0 and graph-cli >= 0.33.1.

  2. Entity Types: You need to add a new entity type that will be updated when files are found. File Data Sources cannot access or update chain-based entities but must update file-specific entities.

How File Data Sources Work

File Data Sources allow you to index both on-chain and off-chain data in parallel. While traditional methods are used to halt indexing when fetching from IPFS, File Data Sources continue indexing without interruption.

Implementing File Data Sources in Your Subgraph

To illustrate how File Data Sources work, we are going to build a subgraph for Beanz NFT collection whose contract can be viewed here and its IPFS metadata can be viewed here:

We will create a subgraph through Subgraph Studio. Click on the "Create a subgraph" button, enter a subgraph name (e.g. beanz) and select the blockchain as "Ethereum".

You can install Graph CLI using npm or yarn.

npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli

Initialize your subgraph using the CLI

graph init --studio <yourSubgraphName>


Protocol · ethereum

Subgraph slug · beanz

Directory to create the subgraph in · beanz

? Ethereum network

Ethereum network · mainnet

Contract address · 0x306b1ea3ecdf94ab739f1910bbda052ed4a9f949

✔ Fetching ABI from Etherscan

✔ Fetching Start Block

Start Block · 14492070

Contract Name · Beanz

Index contract events as entities (Y/n) · true

We will modify the default code provided to us by The Graph into the code which can help us track events for our contract.

Open the subgraph folder in your code editor and replace your subgraph.yaml file with the following configuration.

specVersion: 0.0.5
    file: ./schema.graphql
    - kind: ethereum
      name: Beanz
      network: mainnet
          address: "0x306b1ea3ecdf94aB739F1910bbda052Ed4A9f949"
          abi: Beanz
          startBlock: 14492070
          kind: ethereum/events
          apiVersion: 0.0.7
          language: wasm/assemblyscript
              - Token
              - Owner
              - name: Beanz
                file: ./abis/Beanz.json
              - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,indexed uint256)
                handler: handleTransfer
          file: ./src/beanz.ts
    - name: TokenMetadata
      kind: file/ipfs
          apiVersion: 0.0.7
          language: wasm/assemblyscript
          file: ./src/beanz.ts
          handler: handleMetadata
              - TokenMetadata
              - name: Beanz
                file: ./abis/Beanz.json

We have listed only two entities Token and Owner with one event handler handleTransfer which are the on-chain components.

Also, we have listed an entity TokenMetadata under 'templates' for off-chain data and created a handler handleMetadata .

Here you can see we are already keeping the on-chain data separate from the off-chain data. This is crucial for clarity and organization. You can link them when necessary.

Now, let's write the mapping for these entities and handlers. Update your beanz.ts file code with the following code:

// GRAPH CODGEN GENERATES TYPE SAFETY BY REFERENCING SCHEMA.GRAPHQL AND SUBGRAPH.YAML. Its best practice to build subgraph.yaml and schema.graphql prior to arranging your src/mappings.ts file (in this case, mappings.ts was renamed to beanz.ts)

import { Transfer as TransferEvent } from "../generated/Beanz/Beanz";
// `graph codegen` generates types from the events in the Beanz contract. Here, we only import the `Transfer` type as `TransferEvent` instead of all of the events.
import { Token, TokenMetadata, User } from "../generated/schema";
// `graph codegen` generates the Token, TokenMetadata, and User types that are created from our entity definitions in the schema.graphql file.
import { TokenMetadata as TokenMetadataTemplate } from "../generated/templates";
// `graph codegen` generates the TokenMetadata template that is created from our template definition in subgraph.yaml


import { json, Bytes, dataSource, log } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts";
// Use `log` for error logging as needed. You can find the logs in your subgraph's Subgraph Studio's dashboard (<yoursubgraphname>)

const ipfsHash = "QmdYeDpkVZedk1mkGodjNmF35UNxwafhFLVvsHrWgJoz6A";
// Define ipfshash that will be used as the base of the tokenIpfsHash in the handleTransfer function.

export function handleTransfer(event: TransferEvent): void {
    let token = Token.load(event.params.tokenId.toString());
    // Look in the subgraph's local store to see if the token has already been minted. If it has, load it by passing in its ID (tokenId is this Token's ID). If not, create a new Token entity and populate it with event data VVV

    if (!token) {
        token = new Token(event.params.tokenId.toString());
        // Whoever the token was transferred to is the owner, so assign the 'to' to the token.owner field as well as assign the tokenId to the token.tokenID field.
        token.owner =;
        token.tokenID = event.params.tokenId;

        // Create the tokenURI for both recordkeeping as well as to create the ipfsHashUri below VVV.
        token.tokenURI = "/beanz_metadata/" + event.params.tokenId.toString();

        // Create the iphsHashUri to trigger the TokenMetadata template that will create the TokenMetadata entity.
        const ipfsHashUri = ipfsHash + token.tokenURI;

        token.ipfsHashURI = ipfsHashUri;

    token.updatedAtTimestamp = event.block.timestamp;;

    // Create a new User entity and pass in the 'to' address as its ID if it doesn't already exist.

    let user = User.load(;
    if (!user) {
        user = new User(;;

        // Go to schema.graphql where we have linked the User.ID entity and the Token.owner entity through a Reverse Lookup. This is possible as they both have the same "to" address, linking each Token owned by the 'to' address to the User.ID address.


export function handleMetadata(content: Bytes): void {
    let tokenMetadata = new TokenMetadata(dataSource.stringParam());
    // Create a new TokenMetadata entity and pass in the dataSource as its ID. This is the ipfsHashUri that we created in the handleTransfer function above.

    const value = json.fromBytes(content).toObject();
    // Create a value variable that will be used to store the json object that is passed in as the content parameter.
    if (value) {
        const image = value.get("image");
        const name = value.get("name");
        const attributes = value.get("attributes");

        // Assemblyscript needs to have nullchecks. If the value exists, then we can proceed with the creating an image, name, and attributes variable gathered from the json object.

        if (name && image && attributes) {
   = name.toString();
            tokenMetadata.image = image.toString();
            const attributesArray = attributes.toArray();

            // Assign the name and image object to the and tokenMetadata.image fields. Then, create an attributesArray variable that will be used to store the attributes object as an array. Converting to an array allows us to first loop through the array with the `switch` statement below, then assign the trait_type and value to the tokenMetadata fields.

            if (attributesArray) {
                for (let i = 0; i < attributesArray.length; i++) {
                    const attributeObject = attributesArray[i].toObject();
                    const trait_type = attributeObject.get("trait_type");
                    const value = attributeObject.get("value");

                    if (trait_type && value) {
                        switch (i) {
                            case 0:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType0 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value0 = value.toString();
                            case 1:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType1 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value1 = value.toString();
                            case 2:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType2 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value2 = value.toString();
                            case 3:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType3 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value3 = value.toString();
                            case 4:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType4 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value4 = value.toString();
                            case 5:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType5 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value5 = value.toString();
                            case 6:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType6 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value6 = value.toString();
                            case 7:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType7 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value7 = value.toString();
                            case 8:
                                tokenMetadata.traitType8 = trait_type.toString();
                                tokenMetadata.value8 = value.toString();

The provided code is a TypeScript script used to define the behaviour of a subgraph. Let's break down its key components and functions:

  1. Imports: The code begins with a series of import statements. These imports include various modules and types that are essential for building the subgraph.

    • TransferEvent is imported from the "Beanz" contract, representing the "Transfer" event.

    • Token, TokenMetadata, and User are imported from the generated schema and represent the data entities created based on the schema definition which we will see ahead.

    • TokenMetadataTemplate is imported from generated templates, particularly the "TokenMetadata" template.

    • Other imports include necessary modules like json, Bytes, dataSource, and log for data handling and logging.

  2. ipfsHash: A constant variable, ipfsHash is defined with a specific IPFS hash. This hash serves as the base for the tokenIpfsHash used in the handleTransfer function. It is a reference to an IPFS resource.

     const ipfsHash = "QmdYeDpkVZedk1mkGodjNmF35UNxwafhFLVvsHrWgJoz6A";
  3. handleTransfer Function: The handleTransfer function is responsible for processing Ethereum events, particularly the "Transfer" event from the "Beanz" contract.

     export function handleTransfer(event: TransferEvent): void {
         let token = Token.load(event.params.tokenId.toString());
         // Look in the subgraph's local store to see if the token has already been minted. If it has, load it by passing in its ID (tokenId is this Token's ID). If not, create a new Token entity and populate it with event data VVV
         if (!token) {
             token = new Token(event.params.tokenId.toString());
             // Whoever the token was transferred to is the owner, so assign the 'to' to the token.owner field as well as assign the tokenId to the token.tokenID field.
             token.owner =;
             token.tokenID = event.params.tokenId;
             // Create the tokenURI for both recordkeeping as well as to create the ipfsHashUri below VVV.
             token.tokenURI = "/beanz_metadata/" + event.params.tokenId.toString();
             // Create the iphsHashUri to trigger the TokenMetadata template that will create the TokenMetadata entity.
             const ipfsHashUri = ipfsHash + token.tokenURI;
             token.ipfsHashURI = ipfsHashUri;
         token.updatedAtTimestamp = event.block.timestamp;;

    This function performs the following actions:

    • It attempts to load a Token entity based on the tokenId associated with the event. If the entity does not exist, a new Token entity is created.

    • A tokenURI is constructed, and an ipfsHashUri is created by concatenating the ipfsHash and the tokenURI.

    • The TokenMetadataTemplate is used to create a new template entity with the ipfsHashUri.

    • After handling the event, the code updates the Token entity with the latest timestamp and saves the changes.

  4. User Entity Creation: We have created reverse lookups to see which users own which tokens.

let user = User.load(;
    if (!user) {
        user = new User(;;
  1. handleMetadata Function: The handleMetadata function is triggered by the TokenMetadataTemplate. It processes the content passed to it as a Bytes parameter, which typically contains JSON data.

     export function handleMetadata(content: Bytes): void {
         let tokenMetadata = new TokenMetadata(dataSource.stringParam());
         // Create a new TokenMetadata entity and pass in the dataSource as its ID. This is the ipfsHashUri that we created in the handleTransfer function above.
         const value = json.fromBytes(content).toObject();
         // Create a value variable that will be used to store the json object that is passed in as the content parameter.
         if (value) {
             const image = value.get("image");
             const name = value.get("name");
             const attributes = value.get("attributes");
             // Assemblyscript needs to have nullchecks. If the value exists, then we can proceed with the creating an image, name, and attributes variable gathered from the json object.
             if (name && image && attributes) {
        = name.toString();
                 tokenMetadata.image = image.toString();
                 const attributesArray = attributes.toArray();
                 // Assign the name and image object to the and tokenMetadata.image fields. Then, create an attributesArray variable that will be used to store the attributes object as an array. Converting to an array allows us to first loop through the array with the `switch` statement below, then assign the trait_type and value to the tokenMetadata fields.
                 if (attributesArray) {
                     for (let i = 0; i < attributesArray.length; i++) {
                         const attributeObject = attributesArray[i].toObject();
                         const trait_type = attributeObject.get("trait_type");
                         const value = attributeObject.get("value");
                         if (trait_type && value) {
                             switch (i) {
                                 case 0:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType0 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value0 = value.toString();
                                 case 1:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType1 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value1 = value.toString();
                                 case 2:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType2 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value2 = value.toString();
                                 case 3:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType3 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value3 = value.toString();
                                 case 4:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType4 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value4 = value.toString();
                                 case 5:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType5 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value5 = value.toString();
                                 case 6:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType6 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value6 = value.toString();
                                 case 7:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType7 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value7 = value.toString();
                                 case 8:
                                     tokenMetadata.traitType8 = trait_type.toString();
                                     tokenMetadata.value8 = value.toString();
    • A new TokenMetadata entity is created, and its ID is based on the dataSource.stringParam(), which represents the IPFS hash URI.

    • The content parameter is converted into a JSON object.

    • If the JSON object exists, the function extracts properties such as "image", "name", and "attributes" from it.

    • The extracted data is assigned to the TokenMetadata entity's fields, and if applicable, to trait-specific fields.

Okay now it's time to create some Entities.

Entities are objects which define the structure for how your data will be stored on The Graph's nodes. If you want to read more about them, click on this link.

We will need an Entity which can cover all the variables we have in our events so that we can keep track of all of them. Open up for schema.graphql file and replace the already existing lines of code with the following lines of code:

type Token @entity {
    id: ID!
    owner: User!
    tokenID: BigInt!
    tokenURI: String!
    ipfsHashURI: TokenMetadata
    updatedAtTimestamp: BigInt

type TokenMetadata @entity {
    id: ID!
    image: String!
    name: String!
    traitType0: String!
    value0: String!
    traitType1: String!
    value1: String!
    traitType2: String
    value2: String
    traitType3: String
    value3: String
    traitType4: String
    value4: String
    traitType5: String
    value5: String
    traitType6: String
    value6: String
    traitType7: String
    value7: String
    traitType8: String
    value8: String

type User @entity {
    id: ID!
    tokens: [Token!]! @derivedFrom(field: "owner")
  • id: ID!: Every entity has a unique identifier, and this field is of the ID type. It's essential for referencing and querying individual tokens.

  • owner: User!: This field establishes a relationship between a Token and its owner, a User entity. The exclamation mark (!) indicates that this field is required and cannot be null.

  • tokenID: BigInt!: The tokenID field stores a large integer value, which is often used to uniquely identify the token.

  • tokenURI: String!: The tokenURI field is a string that typically contains a URI pointing to the token's metadata. This metadata can include information about the token's properties, images, and more.

  • ipfsHashURI: TokenMetadata: This field establishes a connection to a TokenMetadata entity. It allows you to associate a token with its metadata, which can be stored off-chain using IPFS.

  • updatedAtTimestamp: BigInt: This field stores a large integer representing the timestamp of the most recent update to the token. It's useful for tracking when a token's data was last modified.

  • TokenMetadata is an entity that represents the metadata associated with a Token. This entity is used to store detailed information about a token's attributes. Let's understand the fields:

    • id: ID!: As with any entity, TokenMetadata has a unique identifier.

    • image: String!: This field stores a URL or reference to an image associated with the token. It's often used to display the visual representation of the token.

    • name: String!: The name field holds the name or title of the token, providing a human-readable label.

    • traitTypeX and valueX: These fields are a set of key-value pairs used to describe the token's attributes. They are structured to accommodate up to nine pairs (from 0 to 8).

  • tokens: [Token!]!: This field is marked as derived using @derivedFrom, which means that it doesn't need to be explicitly set. It's automatically generated based on the relationship between a user and the tokens they own. Users can be associated with multiple tokens, and this field provides a list of those tokens.

If you want to learn more about the types you can visit this link.

Now comes the final part. We will authenticate within the CLI, build and deploy your subgraph to the Studio.


graph auth --studio <deployKey>


cd beanz


graph codegen && graph build


graph deploy --studio beanz

You will be able to see your graph because it's deployed now 🚀 👀

Go to the "Playground" to play around with the data and see it all in action. Let's see how it looks.


High-Level Review of File Data Sources

  1. Know your event and know your IPFS metadata

  2. On-chain events trigger IPFS file search in parallel

  3. It can take 20 - 30 minutes for the NFT metadata to be gathered for initial deploy

Advanced Features

File Data Sources enable advanced features like full-text searching, which allows you to search your data using any plain text you desire, greatly enhancing the query capabilities of your subgraph. Check it out here.

I want to give a special shoutout and express my gratitude to Marcus Rein, Developer Success and Relations at Edge & Node for his fantastic YouTube video on File Data Sources. Also, refer to his repo for FDS here.

Reference -



Thank you for joining me in this journey through File Data Sources, and look forward to seeing how you leverage this powerful tool in your projects!

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Happy Learning!

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