A Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Subgraphs from Ethereum Mainnet to Arbitrum One

If you're looking to transition a subgraph from Ethereum Goerli to Arbitrum Goerli, you're in the right place.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Subgraphs from Ethereum Mainnet to Arbitrum One


  • Allocate approximately 20 minutes for the transfer process. Completing the process in one go is crucial as there's a time constraint involved. If the transfer takes longer than seven days, there's a risk you might lose your subgraph. By setting aside dedicated time, you ensure a smooth and timely transfer.

  • Before initiating the transfer, ensure 100% accuracy of the wallet address you'll be transferring your subgraph to. Whether it's an EOA or a multi-sig wallet, make sure you control it and can conduct transactions. Once you submit the address, it cannot be changed. Incorrect submissions could result in your subgraph being transferred to the wrong wallet.

  • Within 48 hours of completing the transfer, update your subgraph's endpoints. While your old endpoints will remain functional for 48 hours, it's essential to transition to the new endpoints to ensure a seamless experience for your users. Additionally, inform others using your old endpoints to make the switch as well.

Let's dive into the transfer process:

We are using Ethereum Goerli and Arbitrum Goerli testnet for demonstration purposes. The process is similar for the Mainnet.

  1. Visit the "Transfer Subgraph to Arbitrum Goerli" landing page.

Enter your Arbitrum wallet address. This is where your subgraph will be transferred to.

Click on "Transfer Subgraph" and approve the transaction.

Now, the timer starts. This is the ideal time to ensure you see the transfer through to completion.

After the 20-minute mark, you'll need to switch wallets to Arbitrum Goerli. Completing this step is essential to ensure the successful transfer of your subgraph.

Once you've switched to Arbitrum Goerli, you'll find that the transfer is partially completed.

Click on "Publish Subgraph" to finalize the transfer.

Congratulations!!! 🥳

Your subgraph has been successfully transferred from Ethereum Goerli to Arbitrum Goerli

Make sure to update your endpoints within 48 hours to ensure a smooth transition for your users.
Any issues with your transfer? Fill out this form and we'll get back to you shortly: https://bit.ly/42ZZy8l

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